
May, 2024 Two papers accepted at ACL’24 🚀 [link] [link]
Mar, 2024 Co-organized a workshop on developing and customizing AI workflows with Flows at AMLD – happy to see so much interst!
Jan, 2024 Our work on Evaluating Language Model Agency through Negotiations was accepted for publication at ICLR’24!
Dec, 2023 Our work on PAC-Bayesian Meta-Learning was accepted for publication in JMLR!
Nov, 2023 Gave a talk at Swiss Data Science Center: Reasoning and Collaborating AI!
Oct, 2023 Gave a talk at Google Research, Zürich: Flows: Building Blocks of Reasoning and Collaborating AI!
Oct, 2023 Two papers accepted at EMNLP’23 🚀 [link] [link]
Aug, 2023 Paper out: 🌊 Flows: Building Blocks of Reasoning and Collaborating AI
Jun, 2023 Excited to start my internship at Microsoft Research, where I will be working with Eric Horvitz, Adam Fourney, and Gagan Bansal!
Jun, 2023 BLINK passed 1K stars ⭐ on GitHub